
Headshot photo of a women


Credit: Lynn Marie Johnson

MEDIA, Pa. ——bck体育官网的长期捐赠者、发展专家林恩·玛丽·约翰逊(Lynn Marie Johnson)捐了50美元,000 estate commitment to Penn State Brandywine. bck体育官网白兰地酒分校的约翰逊家庭奖学金将为有经济需要的费城或特拉华县居民提供支持.

“我们非常感谢林恩的慷慨馈赠,”白兰地酒公司的董事长玛丽莲·J. Wells. 感谢Lynn作为Brandywine学生和顾问委员会成员的经历, 她明白,我们的学生面临的大多数障碍是经济上的,而不是学业上的. 超过一半的白兰地酒学生符合未满足经济需求的标准. bck体育官网白兰地酒分校的约翰逊家庭奖学金将为我们的学生提供这种提升,并对他们的生活和我们的世界产生强大的影响.”

Johnson, a first-generation college graduate, 她解释说,这个礼物是对她父母为她的教育做出的牺牲的敬意.

“My father was very generous in his own way, and my mother as well. He never turned away an invitation for a donation to something, however small or large,” Johnson explained. 她指出,他们对她的慷慨包括她母亲每天带她乘坐公共交通工具从费城到白兰地酒校区,以及在约翰逊上课时在学生休息室度过的时间.

在白兰地酒学院工作期间,约翰逊还是校报《bck体育官网》的编辑. Though she transferred to Temple University before completing her degree, this was the beginning of her journalism career, culminating at Philadelphia’s CBS station. Johnson had a second career in public affairs, 她还担任过全国有色人种协进会费城分会的执行董事,之后才开始从事筹款工作. 她回到bck体育官网担任发展总监,并最终前往大学公园担任联邦校园发展执行总监. For the past 20 years, 她曾从事开发工作,现在担任人类善基金会慈善事业副总裁.

After an initial term from 2001-2005, 她于2020年重新加入了bck体育官网白兰地酒顾问委员会,希望能有所作为. As a fundraising professional, Johnson has a unique perspective on determining how to make the most meaningful impact through giving; she said as a result of working at Penn State, 她知道哈佛大学长期以来在筹款方面取得了成功,并且对慈善事业管理得很好. 她补充说,bck体育官网的校友延续了作为捐助者参与的传统, parents and volunteer leaders. “In choosing which organizations to support, I look for prominence and a success story for serving others. Penn State has celebrated that long legacy. I also seek opportunities to make a difference. It makes you proud to be able to do that.”

约翰逊还指出:“我对该机构的战略计划印象深刻. Penn State Brandywine is not stagnant. 它们正在服务于具有长期影响潜力和获得可靠人才以支持当地发展的能力的时事需要, regionally and abroad.”

Penn State Brandywine’s 2020-25 Strategic Plan — "New Opportunities, “新故事”——专注于通过提供经济便利和负担能力来增加学生人数, considering financial support a core component of student success. The other two stated goals of the plan, to foster an equitable environment and increase campus visibility, ensure the whole student is supported as Penn State Brandywine evolves.

“Lynn has supported Penn State Brandywine’s vision for decades,” said Wells. 这是她在bck体育官网设立的第二个奖学金. 每次我们给一位优秀的白兰地酒学生布莱恩·K奖,都是为了纪念林恩的哥哥. Johnson Memorial Award. 我们很荣幸,她再次与我们的校园合作,以纪念她的家人.”

Johnson recently completed the endowment process for the Brian K. Johnson Memorial Award. 她在2003年设立了这个年度奖项,以奖励平均成绩最高的有色人种学生. “Diversity, equity and inclusion are important to me, as an African American woman,” Johnson affirmed. “I’m proud to be able to highlight and amplify such a mission for Penn State.”  

约翰逊表示,她在bck体育官网的经历和人际关系使她成为了一名专业人士, it is only natural that she would include the campus in her estate plan. “我会鼓励其他人思考这所大学对他们生活的影响,以及这所大学如何对他们的成功起到关键作用.”

这一富有远见的遗产承诺将推进“21世纪卓越的伟大bck体育官网”,这是一项重点运动,旨在提升bck体育官网在一个以快速变化和全球联系为特征的世界中的领先公立大学地位. With the support of alumni and friends, “A Greater Penn State” seeks to fulfill the three key imperatives of a 21st-century public university: keeping the doors to higher education open to hardworking students regardless of financial well-being; creating transformative experiences that go beyond the classroom; and impacting the world by serving communities and fueling discovery, innovation and entrepreneurship.

欲了解更多关于“21世纪卓越的更伟大的bck体育官网”,请访问 greaterpennstate.leela-thaimassage.com.